E. 93: Truth Bomb: Delivering The Work in Less Time Delivers More Value for the Client

The No BS Agency model is about doing projects in intensives. This means short timelines.

A lot of people wonder, "Won’t shorter project timelines result in less valuable work for the client?"

When I tell people that we deliver entire brands and websites in a two-day intensive Brand Up, many people assume we’re delivering templated work, that the work must be shoddy, that it’s rushed, that there’s just no way you can deliver high quality work in a short amount of time.

Not only is that not true, but it’s actually the exact opposite. 

We have found that you can deliver more value in less time. If you play your cards right.

Today I’m going to tell you why.

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Tune into this episode to hear:

  • Why hard work and busy work don’t equal great work

  • How making art and designing a brand aren’t the same thing and don’t require the same process

  • How jumping from project to project breaks your focus and wastes time

Learn more about Pia:

Pia Silva