E. 05 - The Allure Of Outsourcing, The Marketing Racket, And Whether Anyone Deserves To Be A Business Owner With Ciara Pressler

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Do you embrace marketing and selling? Do you relish the chance to share what you do with the people who need it?

Or are you hoping to pass off marketing and selling to someone else as quickly as possible?

Hiring an expert to help with marketing and sales can be a great idea, but only if you’ve gotten your hands dirty and taken the time to learn–and embrace–it first. 

Maybe you read some books, take a course or two, or hire a coach to help you beef up your marketing and sales skills. Jumping in the deep end with marketing and sales might just be your first step in showing your business who's boss.

The truth is that there’s a whole marketing racket waiting to take advantage of you and your cash flow just because you want to get marketing and sales off your plate. But a real boss invests time and energy into knowing what works before you outsource it.

I sat down with my friend Ciara Pressler–an amazing entrepreneur and successful author–to talk about marketing your business, the allure of outsourcing, how to not get taken advantage of by the marketing racket, and so much more.

Ciara is the founder of Pregame and author of Game Plan: Achieve Your Goals in Life, Career, and Business. She advises entrepreneurs, business leaders, and creative professionals on creating their personal Game Plan for success and is disrupting the coaching industry with an innovative model that makes expert business and marketing coaching accessible to game-changers at all levels of business.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • The allure of outsourcing and whether delegating is a good thing or just an attempt to get out of something you don’t want to do

  • How the marketing racket makes hiring services such a crapshoot and how to protect yourself from getting taken to the cleaners

  • What the difference is between hobbies, jobs, and freelancing and being a business (hint: an LLC or website isn’t it)

  • How premium pricing leads to the premium clients you want

  • And how you can never do things like raise your prices or ‘make more money’ unless you get to know your business’ numbers

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Ciara’s Links:

Pia’s Links:

Pia Silva